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June 05 2023      406 
Amanda for Vogue Hong Kong

VOGUE – I didn’t ever picture myself holding an Emmy,” responds Amanda Seyfried as I congratulate her on her latest achievements. But I’ve pictured you holding one, I think to myself. After all, she is Amanda Seyfried: the naive Karen in Mean Girls, the sunny Sophie in Mamma Mia!, the hopeful Cosette in Les Misérables, and, of course, the frighteningly ambitious Elizabeth in The Dropout — in whose shoes she won both an Emmy and a Golden Globe.

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June 05 2023      407 
‘The Crowded Room’ promo days

Amanda Seyfried promoted her new limited series The Crowded Room on May 30 and June 01. She visited Good Morning America and attended the global premiere with the rest of the cast. You can click on the thumbnails to access the album or head directly to the gallery, enjoy!

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