Welcome to Amanda Seyfried Vault, your go-to and largest source for all things Amanda Seyfried. Amanda is well-known for her performances as Cosette in Les Misérables, Karen in Mean Girls and Sophie in Mamma Mia!. Here you'll find all the latest news, videos, high quality photos, and more.
November 4, 2019   Elise

Our gallery has been updated with over 700 high-quality blu-ray screen captures of Amanda as Eve Swift in the 2019 Simon Curtis film “The Art of Racing in the Rain“. Based on the book by Garth Stein, “The Art of Racing in the Rain” follows golden retriever Enzo, who through his bond with his owner, aspiring Formula One race car driver Denny, learns that the techniques needed on the racetrack can also be used to successfully navigate the journey of life. Be sure to check out the movie on either Amazon or iTunes.

Feature Films > The Art Of Racing In The Rain (2019) > Blu-Ray Screen Captures [+732]